The Future

What Are You Doing Now for The Future to Prevent Tomorrow’s Regrets?

20th December 2021

The Future is an article meant to help us learn what it means to think and be in the future at the present moment, how to be there, why to be in there, and the importance of being in there. In this article, you will learn a useful technique that will help you see the present issues as history, and this may boost your confidence and positivity in a way you never thought of in your life. But what is the future?


This refers to the moment after the here and now. This means the next minute or even the next second or the next microsecond. But the whole of today is normally seen as the present, while tomorrow onward is seen as the future in most cases. Yesterday is always referred to as the past. But in this article, anything from the next moment is in the future.

We can only imagine it since we don’t know what happens in the next moment or minute. A minute is the smaller unit of time measurement. The next second is the smallest even though it is also made of microseconds because the latter are so fast to even get noticed in the normal sense of time measurement.

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This article is about that future and how to live in it as if it has already come. In fact, I sometimes look at my whole life as gone. It has already passed and I am always reading it as such. This is because as long as we live, time flies.

Tomorrow becomes today, and today becomes yesterday, and so on. Living future helps me ask questions that are of greater importance to me, and we are going to see some of them in this article.


Now, how can we pretend to be or live in a future in the present moment? This is simply because our human minds can travel not only to the near future but to the eternal future.

We will look at this in the next article, the eternity. Because we can see or imagine it, we can live or be in a good life while we are still here. As you read this, you can imagine what will happen after you have read it all.

We can only be or live in a future in our minds, not physically until that world becomes the here and the now, and if we are still alive, it will. This is what makes us plan and execute plans. It made me write this article on Sunday the 17th of January 2021, and the article was planned to be released on the 20th December 2021, isn’t that amazing that I was already living in that future?

Well, if you are reading this right now on my website, then you know I was living in this present moment in the past as I wrote this. So this is one example of how to live or be in this future at the moment. It means we can imagine that future and then do something about it even though we don’t always know what tomorrow will bring.

It means we trust in someone who holds this future, and that person is not us but God. We don’t know or control events in that world, but God does in a supernatural way, using natural laws and tools. Someone also said that “if you can imagine it, we can create it,” and this is another way of looking into a future.

Our thoughts, words, and actions about that future speak louder. This is how we show that we live in or for a good future: how we think, speak, and do things.


Is there any apparent reason why we should be or live in that future in the present moment? Yes, there are many reasons, and these reasons are also important as we are going to see below. When we think of being in a good future at the moment means planning to become better and better with ourselves, and with our careers or our callings.

I was reminded that a career is what you do to get paid. It is what you are paid for, but a calling is what you live for. I can see and imagine the differences between these two terms. I have been talking a lot about careers and not about the calling. I think it is rather my calling to write about my experiences and knowledge, hoping and trusting that you will find this helpful in some ways.

Now, looking into that future can help us shape our present moment, depending on how we see things. This means if we look at that future with regret, then this world will never be pleasant at the moment. It will rather be painful and regretful, too. But that new world is always unknown especially to those without hope and faith in the right person. God holds the future and we know what He has a plan for us.

It is also natural to want to be in a future even without thinking about it in most cases. This is just another important reason to be in that life even at the present moment. But I suggest that it is better to be mindful of a good life instead of just being there for no apparent reason. We can teach ourselves to live in our future right now, right here.


It is very important to me to be in the future, otherwise, I would have not written this article in the first place. This article was written about 12 months before it went live. Did I even know I will be able to publish it? The answer is that I didn’t know, but I thought of the future as if it was happening before it happened. This shows us the importance of thinking of the future as the present.

We do not know the future, and I think we shouldn’t. But one thing I know about it is that it will surely come to pass. It may be the future of my life, ever long after me. This is the power behind my writing career, my calling. I write to share my life experiences and knowledge in my own unique ways. Writing is the best way for me to share my life and thoughts with you.

When we look at life as past, we see what we suppose to do at the moment so that we don’t regret much in the future. I think this is the purpose of life, or at least, it gives us a sense of purpose. Because I know the fact that this life will come to an end, I live in that state even right now, right here. This is very important because it makes me do things as if they are in the past.


Finally, what do you think about living in the future and the present moment? To me, it means a lot. It means that I summarize my past and present lives into that. It means looking back at my life and then seeing what I would have done if given a chance to come back to earth and start living again.

There is nothing important as to live more than once, and this is the essence of all human philosophy and religion. This is what happens when we live as if we are in a good life.

Take a moment and look at your present life in the eyes of your future. What are you doing now that we will likely regret tomorrow? What can you do to fix it? Can you stop doing that altogether? In this way, you will be able to evaluate your past and present lives by pretending to be and live in the future.

I hope this article has been helpful to you in one way or the other. Would you love to take a minute and tell us what you think about this article in the comments section below? I will deeply appreciate your time and feedback. I also wish you and your loved ones well during and after the global pandemic.




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